That is the ultimate question isn't it?
But another good question is, why do I blog?
That one I think should be a bit easier to answer, but somehow it isn't. Weird right?
I started this blog to:
-Get better at writing.
-To share experiences with others who just might be able to relate.
-To get stuff out of my head that sometimes keeps me up at night.
-To have fun.
I then started many Blog post "drafts" with different categories and topics that I might be able to expand upon, although every time I started to write about one I would get blocked and to critical over things like:
- Will anyone relate?
- Does this sound stupid?
- What if nobody likes it or me for that matter?
I try to be so bad ass on the outside like it doesn't matter to me if anyone likes me. But don't we all want someone to like us? I want to "fit in" just as much as anyone else.
The risk of being judged and treated badly is huge yet I want to put myself out there, I just don't want to be told I am not good enough! That scares the shit out of me!! Being told I am just not good enough is just awful in my opinion and I have enough trouble getting out of my own head without others crawling up in there to berate me and tell me I suck at something I just really want to learn to do.
I am not perfect and I know I will most likely piss some people off in the process. But as the old saying goes, "To thine own self be true". I must be true to myself.
If people hate it they don't have to read or follow my blog. But if they do like something I have to say then I could accomplish something I have always lived for and that is to help someone not feel alone and that there is someone out there who "gets it".
My punctuation won't be perfect, hell it is probably horrific. But if I can get my thoughts out maybe then I won't be so anxious. Who knows, I could learn something as well in the process.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
What will I be remembered for??
Have you ever posed this question to yourself?
I know I have many times over my almost 48 years on this big blue rock. There have been times when I really feel like I know definitively who I am, or actually who I am growing to become. I am one of those people who gets excited about trying new things. (within reason of course because I am a mom and a scaredy cat I don't put myself into too many precarious or dangerous situations).
At this moment as I am typing this sitting at my desk, outside my window we have several bird feeders. There are two baby House Finches sitting in a bush just below the feeder. The mother Finch is at the feeder picking out the best seeds. She then hops down onto the bush near the baby birds and they flap their little wings frantically, I can only guess this is to get their momma's attention so she can feed them. They open their beaks so big and wide and very carefully and gracefully the momma bird places food into their mouths. Now I know they are birds but do they think their momma bird plays favorites? Do you think they worry if one gets more food than the other? I know as a mom, my kids have often thought both of those things, even though they aren't true. I really do love my kids all equally. They are all different in many ways and also quite the same in several other ways.
But, I do love them all the same!
Seeing all the young fledgling birds in the yard lately really makes me think about how wonderful being a parent is. It also reminds me how scary it can be at the same time. These tiny versions of their parents, trying to fly straight, eat at a feeder like their parents do and balancing precariously on a tiny branch waiting and hoping that mom and/or dad brings them some food to keep them growing and maturing so that one day they may be able to pro-create and be the one who is leading the way for their own brood.
I too want to lead the way. I want to be the confident momma bird who not only sustains my babies lives by feeding them and keeping them safe from predators but, I also want to be the confident momma who doesn't even flinch when my babies fly off and just barely miss hitting a window. This little bird really impressed me. She seemed so calm, cool and collected. I aspire to be that kind of mom. Although at this moment I am so very far away from being even remotely un-anxious about life and the world outside of our protective nest.
Becoming a grandparent doesn't make anything easier, it actually increases the anxiety. We want our kids to have a better life than we had and protect them from the mistakes we made as young people. We want things to be easier for them. But why doesn't it seem like it is?? To me, as my kids get older I feel as if I have more to worry about. Like that momma bird, she has to let her babies leave the nest and fly on their own. Eventually she stops feeding them and they are left to fend for themselves. If they cannot learn to find food and water they eventually will cease to exist.
That is the part that makes me so scared and causes me the most anxiety! What if I haven't taught them enough to survive?
What prompts us to all of a sudden just question the thing we have been doing for so many years?
I know I have many times over my almost 48 years on this big blue rock. There have been times when I really feel like I know definitively who I am, or actually who I am growing to become. I am one of those people who gets excited about trying new things. (within reason of course because I am a mom and a scaredy cat I don't put myself into too many precarious or dangerous situations).
At this moment as I am typing this sitting at my desk, outside my window we have several bird feeders. There are two baby House Finches sitting in a bush just below the feeder. The mother Finch is at the feeder picking out the best seeds. She then hops down onto the bush near the baby birds and they flap their little wings frantically, I can only guess this is to get their momma's attention so she can feed them. They open their beaks so big and wide and very carefully and gracefully the momma bird places food into their mouths. Now I know they are birds but do they think their momma bird plays favorites? Do you think they worry if one gets more food than the other? I know as a mom, my kids have often thought both of those things, even though they aren't true. I really do love my kids all equally. They are all different in many ways and also quite the same in several other ways.
But, I do love them all the same!
Seeing all the young fledgling birds in the yard lately really makes me think about how wonderful being a parent is. It also reminds me how scary it can be at the same time. These tiny versions of their parents, trying to fly straight, eat at a feeder like their parents do and balancing precariously on a tiny branch waiting and hoping that mom and/or dad brings them some food to keep them growing and maturing so that one day they may be able to pro-create and be the one who is leading the way for their own brood.
I too want to lead the way. I want to be the confident momma bird who not only sustains my babies lives by feeding them and keeping them safe from predators but, I also want to be the confident momma who doesn't even flinch when my babies fly off and just barely miss hitting a window. This little bird really impressed me. She seemed so calm, cool and collected. I aspire to be that kind of mom. Although at this moment I am so very far away from being even remotely un-anxious about life and the world outside of our protective nest.
Becoming a grandparent doesn't make anything easier, it actually increases the anxiety. We want our kids to have a better life than we had and protect them from the mistakes we made as young people. We want things to be easier for them. But why doesn't it seem like it is?? To me, as my kids get older I feel as if I have more to worry about. Like that momma bird, she has to let her babies leave the nest and fly on their own. Eventually she stops feeding them and they are left to fend for themselves. If they cannot learn to find food and water they eventually will cease to exist.
That is the part that makes me so scared and causes me the most anxiety! What if I haven't taught them enough to survive?
What prompts us to all of a sudden just question the thing we have been doing for so many years?
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
How do all you bloggers/writers who are parents do it??
When I started this blog I also started a fun Facebook page to promote the blog and hopefully get more people to visit here. It was my hope that someone or a bunch of someone's would find something I wrote interesting, fun, witty or even educational.
I wish someone would share their secret with me because I just can't seem to move past a certain number of "likes", and I don't seem to get any comments here either. Now I must say this, I am not ungrateful at all for those who do read my blog and comment on my FB page, I have just noticed in the past few weeks that life has just really gotten so busy that the only way I was going to get any time to write was if I woke up in the middle of the night and lost out on the precious few hours of sleep I get each night.
I didn't realize how much work keeping things alive on Facebook would be. Trying to entertain an audience of people who have, 1. been doing this a whole lot longer than I have, 2. Have way more of a following than I, and 3. Obviously better organized than I am because they always seem to have something new and fresh to post and I am over here just trying to keep up.
It is overwhelming and I applaud those women (and men) who are stay at home parents of kids younger than mine, some work a job outside their home as well and still find time to post and blog. I do not know how you all do it!! You amaze me. You all still have time to "pimp" other peoples pages and share pages. For me that seems to take a long time. It could be that I just don't know how to manage my time or able to multi task quite as good as I thought I could!! How do you do it?
I wish someone would share their secret with me because I just can't seem to move past a certain number of "likes", and I don't seem to get any comments here either. Now I must say this, I am not ungrateful at all for those who do read my blog and comment on my FB page, I have just noticed in the past few weeks that life has just really gotten so busy that the only way I was going to get any time to write was if I woke up in the middle of the night and lost out on the precious few hours of sleep I get each night.
I don't even know if anyone will ever read this but I had to say just how impressed and envious I am of those of you who do so much and still find time to blog, manage a Facebook page, raise families, work jobs and all the other things you do!
I raise my glass to you all, and I hope one day to be able to be just 1/10th the blogger/ writer you all are!!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Do I have a case of writers block??
Or, am I just not doing it right?
I ask this question because, although my lovely family gives me so much material to write about, I often question whether blog readers or anyone else for that matter really gives a rip about what my family is doing.
I second guess myself and sit staring absently out the window. I begin to ask myself, "do other writes have this problem?" "Does anyone else have trouble keeping track of all the things they want to write about throughout the day?"
For instance, it always seems that when I have something I find informative, funny or even educational as I go about my day I am just never near my computer. Not only that but really funny stuff happens in the car of course I am driving and can't write it down or make a note in my phone. Sometimes I have my hubby take notes on his phone and he will email it to me. Of course by the time I get to it I had forgotten what context the whole thing happened in and I don't end up writing about it because......I don't want to look like a complete idiot.
Most days I feel as if I am being pulled in so many different directions. My mind races faster than my hands can type. One thought or idea melds with another and then I am totally stumped and can't for the life of me put the brakes on all the swirling thoughts swimming through my brain matter.
Maybe I have dyed my hair too many times in my life and I just can't focus, or maybe I have developed late onset ADHD and that is my focus issue.
Perhaps it is just because I am a mom and have so much information in my brain at any given time about everyone and everything that I just can't find my focus anymore.
No matter what it is I am finding that I really need to work on being more "mindful".
Being mindful is a great way to retrain the brain to let go of the noise that often fills up our brains. I had done this before and it did seem to help especially with anxiety.
Being a control freak/worrier has given me plenty of anxiety for sure! So I learned how to be mindful.
(I guess I just haven't been practicing it enough lately, note to self...get back to being mindful).
I ask this question because, although my lovely family gives me so much material to write about, I often question whether blog readers or anyone else for that matter really gives a rip about what my family is doing.
I second guess myself and sit staring absently out the window. I begin to ask myself, "do other writes have this problem?" "Does anyone else have trouble keeping track of all the things they want to write about throughout the day?"
For instance, it always seems that when I have something I find informative, funny or even educational as I go about my day I am just never near my computer. Not only that but really funny stuff happens in the car of course I am driving and can't write it down or make a note in my phone. Sometimes I have my hubby take notes on his phone and he will email it to me. Of course by the time I get to it I had forgotten what context the whole thing happened in and I don't end up writing about it because......I don't want to look like a complete idiot.
Most days I feel as if I am being pulled in so many different directions. My mind races faster than my hands can type. One thought or idea melds with another and then I am totally stumped and can't for the life of me put the brakes on all the swirling thoughts swimming through my brain matter.
Maybe I have dyed my hair too many times in my life and I just can't focus, or maybe I have developed late onset ADHD and that is my focus issue.
Perhaps it is just because I am a mom and have so much information in my brain at any given time about everyone and everything that I just can't find my focus anymore.
No matter what it is I am finding that I really need to work on being more "mindful".
Being mindful is a great way to retrain the brain to let go of the noise that often fills up our brains. I had done this before and it did seem to help especially with anxiety.
Being a control freak/worrier has given me plenty of anxiety for sure! So I learned how to be mindful.
(I guess I just haven't been practicing it enough lately, note to self...get back to being mindful).
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Being part of a family means we support one another no matter what!
While it is true that everyone has a different idea about what family means to them. Some are more close knit, some are spread out over many states or even countries.
As for my family, the one I grew up with as a child, meant family members all over. Some I keep in touch with and others I haven't talked to in decades. My immediate family, and by that I mean my husband, children and granddaughter are all very close knit. We look out for one another. If one of us hurts, we all hurt. When one is sad we rally around that one and do our best to make them smile and show them the silver lining in whatever the situation happens to be.
Right now we are rallying around our oldest daughter and granddaughter.
Why, you ask?
Well because unfortunately some people mature faster than others. Her and I have had our issues in the past and in my opinion, it is the past and it is over. The only thing we can do is move forward in a positive light. She has definitely matured faster than we could have ever hoped for, and unfortunately her boyfriend (baby's dad) isn't growing at the same rate.
She has done everything she could possibly do to keep things afloat in an often tumultuous relationship. A relationship that started when they were both 15 yrs old. Although it lasted but a year and then was reinvigorated again about 18 months ago. They have never really been on the same level. Now, I am not putting him down but, when you have a child together with someone there has to be big changes made to the way you live your life.
You now have another human being who is completely and utterly dependent on you both to support, encourage, feed, wash, dress and teach the important things in life. You have to work harder, lose sleep, miss meals or eat them cold. Baby comes first in most relationships right?
Well not in this boy's eyes. I had the mom radar go off shortly after she was born when he couldn't take a day off to drive her and their baby home from the hospital. It isn't easy to sit by and not say something when you see your child giving and giving and getting nothing back in return. All I could do was be supportive and encouraging. Trying to include a boy who caused our family so much strife and emotional pain when they were both 15. We pushed all the negativity aside and just moved on because of our daughter. She is our family and we don't duck out on our family. Even when we don't like the choices they make, we don't quit on them. We patiently wait until their blinders are off and they see the real picture.
Reality for her lately has been a very crappy apartment, filled with bugs and mice that she has really worked her ass off to keep under control. All while taking care of the cooking (if they had enough money to buy food), cleaning (if she even had the energy), taking care of a newborn who after 4 weeks ended up in the hospital for a week with a stomach virus. All of this while he had money for cigarettes, energy drinks and oh, and he is underage!! He couldn't understand the depth of her exhaustion. He didn't understand when he gave her an ultimatum for her to choose him or his family, she chose her family. He didn't understand that keeping her away from her family would only draw her closer to her family and further away from him. We had to learn this when she was 15 and we knew if we forbade her seeing him, that it only pushed her towards him more.
Because of his not understanding, he lost an amazing young woman. She is a great mom, she has grown up so much and matured quickly. Taking to parenthood so naturally. Like every mom she feels as if she is never doing enough for her baby. Even though she is doing everything and then some extra despite her lack of sleep.
Sunday was the turning point for her. She found out he had been saving money on the side and didn't think she needed to know about it. All while she had no money for gas to go anywhere, there was no food in the house and she was hungry, but he had his cigarettes and energy drinks, neither of which are cheap. Then he tells her she isn't doing enough!! Here is where I get pissed off, because you do not tell a new mom who hasn't eaten well and has sleep deprivation that she isn't doing enough. Telling her that cut right through her heart.
The title of this post says it all......we are family, we stick by one another when one is weak we help them along. When one is hungry we share our food. When one is sick we nurse them back to health. FAMILY!! We are there for each other no matter what the circumstance. It is just who we are!! I know not all families are this way but ours is and I don't think ours is better than any other family, it just is how we do things.
Well the sun is up and I am sure I have babbled enough. Sorry if this post kind of goes all over the place but, I tried to let it flow and develop on it's own.
I had best get moving since today is a new day and we have lots to accomplish. I have all of my kids under one roof again along with my beautiful granddaughter.
Our family is strong....we will bend and flow with the changes that have been made. We will grow in strength and wisdom.
We are a family!!
As for my family, the one I grew up with as a child, meant family members all over. Some I keep in touch with and others I haven't talked to in decades. My immediate family, and by that I mean my husband, children and granddaughter are all very close knit. We look out for one another. If one of us hurts, we all hurt. When one is sad we rally around that one and do our best to make them smile and show them the silver lining in whatever the situation happens to be.
Right now we are rallying around our oldest daughter and granddaughter.
Why, you ask?
Well because unfortunately some people mature faster than others. Her and I have had our issues in the past and in my opinion, it is the past and it is over. The only thing we can do is move forward in a positive light. She has definitely matured faster than we could have ever hoped for, and unfortunately her boyfriend (baby's dad) isn't growing at the same rate.
She has done everything she could possibly do to keep things afloat in an often tumultuous relationship. A relationship that started when they were both 15 yrs old. Although it lasted but a year and then was reinvigorated again about 18 months ago. They have never really been on the same level. Now, I am not putting him down but, when you have a child together with someone there has to be big changes made to the way you live your life.
You now have another human being who is completely and utterly dependent on you both to support, encourage, feed, wash, dress and teach the important things in life. You have to work harder, lose sleep, miss meals or eat them cold. Baby comes first in most relationships right?
Well not in this boy's eyes. I had the mom radar go off shortly after she was born when he couldn't take a day off to drive her and their baby home from the hospital. It isn't easy to sit by and not say something when you see your child giving and giving and getting nothing back in return. All I could do was be supportive and encouraging. Trying to include a boy who caused our family so much strife and emotional pain when they were both 15. We pushed all the negativity aside and just moved on because of our daughter. She is our family and we don't duck out on our family. Even when we don't like the choices they make, we don't quit on them. We patiently wait until their blinders are off and they see the real picture.
Reality for her lately has been a very crappy apartment, filled with bugs and mice that she has really worked her ass off to keep under control. All while taking care of the cooking (if they had enough money to buy food), cleaning (if she even had the energy), taking care of a newborn who after 4 weeks ended up in the hospital for a week with a stomach virus. All of this while he had money for cigarettes, energy drinks and oh, and he is underage!! He couldn't understand the depth of her exhaustion. He didn't understand when he gave her an ultimatum for her to choose him or his family, she chose her family. He didn't understand that keeping her away from her family would only draw her closer to her family and further away from him. We had to learn this when she was 15 and we knew if we forbade her seeing him, that it only pushed her towards him more.
Because of his not understanding, he lost an amazing young woman. She is a great mom, she has grown up so much and matured quickly. Taking to parenthood so naturally. Like every mom she feels as if she is never doing enough for her baby. Even though she is doing everything and then some extra despite her lack of sleep.
Sunday was the turning point for her. She found out he had been saving money on the side and didn't think she needed to know about it. All while she had no money for gas to go anywhere, there was no food in the house and she was hungry, but he had his cigarettes and energy drinks, neither of which are cheap. Then he tells her she isn't doing enough!! Here is where I get pissed off, because you do not tell a new mom who hasn't eaten well and has sleep deprivation that she isn't doing enough. Telling her that cut right through her heart.
The title of this post says it all......we are family, we stick by one another when one is weak we help them along. When one is hungry we share our food. When one is sick we nurse them back to health. FAMILY!! We are there for each other no matter what the circumstance. It is just who we are!! I know not all families are this way but ours is and I don't think ours is better than any other family, it just is how we do things.
Well the sun is up and I am sure I have babbled enough. Sorry if this post kind of goes all over the place but, I tried to let it flow and develop on it's own.
I had best get moving since today is a new day and we have lots to accomplish. I have all of my kids under one roof again along with my beautiful granddaughter.
Our family is strong....we will bend and flow with the changes that have been made. We will grow in strength and wisdom.
We are a family!!
Food for thought
Not everything in my life revolves around my kids. I know, shocking right?
I have issues with food.
There I said it!! Now it is out in the open for all to read. *sigh*
I have struggled my whole life with being overweight, nay let's just come out and say it...FAT!! Yep I am fat. Get all the fat jokes out of the way.....
(everyone done with the fat jokes? Okay lets move on then. )
Okay, so I hate dieting, I hate counting calories, I hate restrictions on the things I love, and I hate being made fun of because of my weight, or taken less serious because of my size. I also realize and am sympathetic to those who are on the opposite side who have trouble gaining weight.
Since I have been together with my husband I think we have completely revamped our way of eating at least 10 times in the past 5 years!! That is quite a bit of change. We were Vegan for a few weeks, and we were even vegetarians for 1 full year. I have done Gluten Free, Weight Watchers and Low Carb. I even had times when I said "fuck it" I am just eating whatever the hell I want. Which that phase never ends well. I end up feeling way worse than I ever did before.
So why am I posting about my weight and my love of food? Well because it is part of who I am. It is part of my story, my life, and the way I interact with others. Food seems to be the center of lots of social activity!! We celebrate with food...for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, summertime bbq's, and everything in between.
At one point not too very long ago I considered writing a cookbook. My husband and many friends have told me that I make great food. So, I started writing down recipes and because I am such a foodie...I took pictures of my meals.
YES, I am one of those people who posts their meals on Facebook frequently!! Annoying to most but many of the people I am friends with on FB appreciate and ask for recipes.
I have issues with food.
There I said it!! Now it is out in the open for all to read. *sigh*
I have struggled my whole life with being overweight, nay let's just come out and say it...FAT!! Yep I am fat. Get all the fat jokes out of the way.....
(everyone done with the fat jokes? Okay lets move on then. )
Okay, so I hate dieting, I hate counting calories, I hate restrictions on the things I love, and I hate being made fun of because of my weight, or taken less serious because of my size. I also realize and am sympathetic to those who are on the opposite side who have trouble gaining weight.
Since I have been together with my husband I think we have completely revamped our way of eating at least 10 times in the past 5 years!! That is quite a bit of change. We were Vegan for a few weeks, and we were even vegetarians for 1 full year. I have done Gluten Free, Weight Watchers and Low Carb. I even had times when I said "fuck it" I am just eating whatever the hell I want. Which that phase never ends well. I end up feeling way worse than I ever did before.
So why am I posting about my weight and my love of food? Well because it is part of who I am. It is part of my story, my life, and the way I interact with others. Food seems to be the center of lots of social activity!! We celebrate with food...for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, summertime bbq's, and everything in between.
At one point not too very long ago I considered writing a cookbook. My husband and many friends have told me that I make great food. So, I started writing down recipes and because I am such a foodie...I took pictures of my meals.
YES, I am one of those people who posts their meals on Facebook frequently!! Annoying to most but many of the people I am friends with on FB appreciate and ask for recipes.
My place in the sun
Since I have moved my desk to the "sunroom" out from the darkened corner of the living room it was previously in. I love the view I have of the bird feeders in the backyard, and the flower gardens. Even the view of the pool is nice because I can keep an eye on the kids so that they do not drown one another when hormones spike or the boy pisses off mini me. I even love that my husband gave up his amazing office chair that is so damn comfy and it has a massage thingy on it that is heavenly on my damaged shoulder blade.
But, the sun is freaking HOT right here by the windows. I think I might actually be getting a tan just typing this. I am sweating and everything.
Note to at your desk after the sun has come up over the house. It's like a sauna in here! I had best hydrate!!
But, the sun is freaking HOT right here by the windows. I think I might actually be getting a tan just typing this. I am sweating and everything.
Note to at your desk after the sun has come up over the house. It's like a sauna in here! I had best hydrate!!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Hormones and the ability to remember...
Do hormonal girls forget how they were when they were pre-teens??
I keep wondering if I was as annoying as my 11 year old is!!
I don't recall my younger pre-period self being so obnoxious and downright bitchy!! Hey, maybe I was but I don't recall it for sure. Is there something in our biological makeup that allows us to forget these things?
I am assuming it would be whatever chemical process that allows us as mom's to forget the pain of contractions and child birth, well temporarily anyway at least till we pop out another screaming, poop/puke machine!!
After the first contraction I was like..."oh yea, I forgot how much labor and delivery sucks!!"
Sure makes me glad that I am not having any more kids. Labor and delivery is for the young and full of energy. Not me, middle aged and mentally drained from dealing with teen boy and pre-teen girl angst!!
Every time they get all "angsty" I just want to run and lock myself in our bedroom with a beer, nachos and chocolate till it all is quiet.
I am sure I can't be alone in the angstyness....Please share in the comments below!!
~Melissa aka-Imperfect Mom~
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
"Healthy" eating and what it means to me
Do you eat "healthy"?
I ask because there are so many schools of thought on this very subject.
As a mom I try to serve and eat healthy, balanced meals. Which isn't always an easy task, especially if you have picky eaters. I am pretty lucky that our kids aren't too terribly picky with foods. For several years now I have tried to diet and lose weight trying everything under the sun. No Gluten, No Carbs, No sugar, No processed foods, No Fat...and on and on. We were even Vegetarian for almost a whole year. Always coming back to a basic diet of balanced meals and treats.
Which is where I find myself now.
I believe the word my grandmother used to use is "Moderation". Not always an easy task being a choco-holic and someone who does enjoy beer, wine or a mixed cocktail of sorts on occasion.
We don't eat out much and if we do there are only a few places that I actually "LIKE" to eat at. Wait let me rephrase that and say, a few places "I TRUST" to eat at. We do not eat at McD's, BK or Subway anymore. Not to say I haven't in the past fed them from those places. But, as a personal preference we choose to not eat there anymore. I don't judge anyone for eating there either just as an FYI!! We do occasionally enjoy Culver's for a burger if we are out. But hey they have famous custard there!! :)
Another reason why we don't eat out much is because I have discovered that I can make similar items at home, with more natural "whole" ingredients, no preservatives and added sugars, salts and refined fats, and they taste so much better. I had to learn this when I went Gluten free for a few months to test my gut. We have also saved lots of money from not going out to eat. Not to mention the chemicals that stay out of our bodies.
Now I don't make everything from scratch, I wouldn't have time to write this blog if I did, but I do try and keep the few processed items in the pantry to a minimum.
Previous to this blog, I did have a couple of "foodie" blogs I was managing but would end up so over obsessed that I got burnt out on them. Besides I felt pigeon holed into one certain food style since one was a LOW CARB venture, and one was mostly Vegetarian. I think I will share some of the recipes on a page at the top of this blog, to share a few recipes that I have either come up with, tweaked from an original or just remade to be a bit more healthful. Perhaps one of these will help someone else make different choices with food or even make someone think and change it up to suit their own needs. I sure hope if you do that you comment and let me know which recipes you liked and which didn't work out so well for you and your family.
Thanks for reading...and for those who have taken the time to comment I also thank you, it helps a lot to hear where other people stand on things. :)
To Bra or not to Bra??
Today I was more aware than usual that I am almost always Bra-less.
Is it a problem for me?
No, not at all!
I am a stay at home mom who is more often than not "at home", so I honestly don't feel the need to restrain the girls just for a day of being at home. Whether I am doing housework, laundry, reading a book or blogging I don't feel the actual need to feel all restrained and bound up.
*so now you are all picturing me bra-less blogging now aren't you? Admit it..I know you are.*
Now, let me get something clear, I do shower everyday so it isn't like I am laying around in the same clothes everyday until I find it necessary to strap the girls up and take em out for a ride to the grocery store!!
Is it a problem for me?
No, not at all!
I am a stay at home mom who is more often than not "at home", so I honestly don't feel the need to restrain the girls just for a day of being at home. Whether I am doing housework, laundry, reading a book or blogging I don't feel the actual need to feel all restrained and bound up.
*so now you are all picturing me bra-less blogging now aren't you? Admit it..I know you are.*
Now, let me get something clear, I do shower everyday so it isn't like I am laying around in the same clothes everyday until I find it necessary to strap the girls up and take em out for a ride to the grocery store!!
This is the type of shirt I wear everyday...only when I am within the boundaries of our house and yard. They are comfortable, not see through and everything is covered. I can safely answer the door and not feel too exposed. It also gives a great back view of my back Tat!! (not back FAT..yes I have it but that might have to be a blog post for another day.)
My kids have never expressed that they are embarrassed by me or anything so I think if they did I might modify my look, or if a friend of theirs stopped by or something.
My whole life I have been told that as a woman I must be, look, talk, dress, act or respond a certain way.
Frankly, that wasn't me!!
*that doesn't mean I run around acting like a disrespectful douche to people, I do have manners and I am quite a nice person*
I am no longer embarrassed or ashamed of my body!!
I am who I am....*you all said that in a Popeye the Sailor Man voice didn't you?*
Anyhooo...back to the title of this post, To bra or not to bra!!
Do you? Would you? Will you?
Monday, July 7, 2014
Can we talk about SEX for a minute?
So many people see that 3 letter word S.E.X and they cringe and cover their kids eyes and ears. I came from a family that never talked about any of that stuff. I think it is a shame that many parents just hide the fact that humans are sexual beings. We educate our children about other "adult" things like smoking, drinking and drugs, why not teach them about sexual health and the consequences that can happen to them if they choose to try things out too early in life.
When my mom told me about my period, she handed me a friggin pamphlet and told me to read it. I was terrified.....I cried and wondered, "why does this have to happen to me"!! I thought I was alone, like it was only going to happen to me because I had something wrong with me. Even when I had questions I didn't feel comfortable asking my mom let alone anyone else. So I went through a big part of my life being scared of naturally occurring things.
That is why I vowed to always be open and honest about bodily functions, sex, and how to stay healthy. We have openly discussed everything with our kids.
Now, don't get all freaked out, it isn't like we are inviting them into our bedroom and showing them how we do it!! I am not some creepy perv!! We use clinical terms and only give them as much information as they can handle and they feel comfortable coming to us with questions.
Have you seen what some of these young kids look like nowadays??
They are developing faster physically and society pushes them to be so much more grown up than they are. My kids have even told me stories about kids in their school who may be sexually active and I want my kids to be armed with the facts. We discuss how to stay safe, and since we have a 14 yr old son and a premenstrual 11 yr old it is imperative to keep our kids healthy and safe!! Not to mention keeping them from becoming pregnant or getting someone pregnant, or getting some disease!! We are not pushing sex on our kids, rather the message we drive home each time they have questions is that it is best to abstain until they are married ideally, or until they are much more mentally mature and ready to take on the responsibility. We do not take it lightly at all.
Our goal is to give them facts, based on our personal experience as well as statistics as they are available from places like the CDC and health care professionals. Arm yourself and your kids with knowledge. If you don't know the answer to a question they have, look it up together. No shame in admitting you don't know something.
Sex is fun!!
Our bodies are wonderful and complex things!!
Being honest with kids about these things really allows for them to avoid being misinformed by their peers. All kids talk to other kids about things like that. I know I did.
Some of the weird stuff I heard and later found out is just not true is mind boggling. I wonder how many "false" stories there are out there?
If you have any please share in the comments....would love to hear what other people heard when they were younger. Don't be embarrassed, all women are the same and all men are the same. We all come in different shapes, sizes and colors but physiologically we are all the same.
Here are a couple I heard growing up :
"If you have sex standing up in the shower you can't get pregnant" FALSE!!!
"You can't get pregnant if it is your first time" FALSE, FALSE, FALSE!!! you share some that you may have heard.....GO!!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Loving ourselves just as we are!
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Venus and the Lute Player (1565–1570) by Titian |
In this world where "thin is in" and supermodels are touted as "perfect specimens of womanhood" it really saddens me to hear other women who are moms putting themselves down. I was reading a blog today and it kind of spurred this post today.
I too am guilty of such behavior. It sucks to turn on TV or read a magazine and the women in there are all thin, fit and don't have a mark or scar on them. *Thank you photo shop* Unless of course you are reading or watching something specifically geared toward overweight people. Even then they are pushing everyone to be on a diet or exercising till they pass out, throw up or both! We perpetuate the stigma that being overweight is bad and to some just plain gross and we need to stop this now and be accepting of every shape and size person. Judging people for size is the same as judging people because of color. Are you indeed a better person if you are thin?? (I know many mean spirited and angry thin people).
Back in prehistoric times the skinny women were not chosen as mates. The "sturdier" women were the ones to go after because they were deemed healthier and more able to handle the rigors of survival.
Go to a museum and look at paintings by famous artists where a naked woman is the subject. More often than not those women had curves and cellulite dimples. They are beautiful works of art!!
Being thin does not make you a "beautiful person". Nor does being fat make you a "disgusting pig".
Being an overweight woman myself I have heard the whispers, comments and put downs. Even if it they aren't said at a level where I was supposed to hear, I did. Often times I would just try to ignore them and move forward. But it doesn't mean the words don't hurt and leave scars deep inside.
"Why is she even eating, it isn't like she couldn't stand to lose a few pounds!"
"She has such a pretty face and a great personality, too bad she is HEAVY."
"I can't believe they let her have a baby being as fat as she already is."
*Then there are the comments from people who are supposed to love you.*
"If you don't do something about your weight, no man is ever going to love you." (this one came from my own mother just so you know)
"You have such a beautiful face, here is a salad" (instead of ice cream that we are all going to eat in front of you.)
I have always tried to fit in, and be funny. I would constantly put myself down and point out to the whole room that I was fat before someone else did. I figured if I just talk about the "proverbial white elephant" in the room then it is out there. Everyone would know I am aware of my size and we can just move on. It isn't fun to feel as if you have to put yourself down in order for people to like you.
It took a long time to realize that if someone holds my weight against me in any way shape or form, then they don't deserve to be in my life.
As a young adult I was happy with my body and I felt sexy. After I had kids I didn't feel quite so sexy anymore and I didn't have anyone in my life that told me I was wrong for feeling that way. I just kind of went with what society said was sexy and I decided that since I had kids I was no longer just living for me and I would just be a good mom and not worry about my own happiness or how I felt.
I learned to be happy with myself and my body again. Much of that happiness has happened in the past 5 years. I have many friends who have actually told me that they never saw me as the size I am. I was just Melissa, funny, loving and kind!!
My husband loves my body and has taught me to love my body again. He tells me that my body is a playground and that he loves every inch of it!! I have rolls on my tummy, and stretch marks and my boobs are not as perky as they were when I was younger, but that my friends is natural aging. I am almost 48 years old. I am not meant to look like I am 28, nor do I want to.
We have sex more often than I ever thought a married person ever did. We still have kids living in the house too. Our kids are 14 and 11 and we are raising them to be proud of their body, no matter what shape it is. They are healthy and active kids. We feed our kids healthy foods, and sure they get treats on occasion. No food is OFF limits in our house but the sugary ones and higher carb stuff is pretty limited.
I have been overweight since puberty, I have gained weight and I have lost weight. At this time I have no major medical issues, as I have been hypothyroid since I was 10.
Does that contribute to my weight issue? Yes, probably. It sure doesn't make it easier to lose weight that is for sure.
Have I dieted? Yep, you betcha I have. I have done every diet/fast/program there is!! (with the exception of surgery, which I believe is a personal decision and I know many people who have had surgery and I commend them for their bravery for making that decision for themselves. I am not against it, just not something I think of as an option for myself.)
The purpose for this rambling post is that we as human beings come in all different sizes. Let's love each other for what is in our hearts and heads. No one person is better or worse because of their size, color, religious preferences, who they love, what they eat...and the list goes on and on.
We are HUMANS....imperfect beings trying to all survive on this big blue rock, love yourself for your strengths!!
Love your body for the amazing and miraculous things it does everyday!!
For all you moms out there thinking that your body is "ruined" and will never be like it was before you had kids......Be so proud of yourselves and love your bodies, stretch marks, scars, saggy boobs and all. You are bringing forth life into this crazy world. Lives that can change the world, you have nourished and nurtured wonderful beings that just might grow up to change history, discover planets beyond the reaches we know now, or they might be the one who cures disease and heals our society!!
You are all AMAZING!!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th of July!!
Happy Independence Day!
Here at Imperfect Mom Chronicles we would like to wish you and your family a very happy 4th of July! Stay safe and have lots of fun, but please drink responsibly and come back with all of your body parts still attached!! Hopefully the weather is good where you are and if it isn't I hope you make the best of the day!! For those that have to work, I hope you get a little special time today to enjoy yourself.
I would like to personally thank all of the service men and women who have dedicated their lives to keeping our country free and protecting and defending Old Glory!! Without you we would not enjoy the freedoms we have today!! So thank you very much for your service and dedication to keeping our country safe!!
God Bless America!!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Why are there different "types" of Thursday?
Have you noticed all around the interweb there is something about Thursdays? I know there are other days that have some meaning as well, like "Man Crush Monday" and of course my favorite, Wednesday is HUMP DAY!
Here are a couple that I know of....if anyone else knows any please chime in would love to be hip and learn the lingo of the youngsters so I can keep up with what my kids and all their friends are posting about on Instagram! Thanks in advance for you help to make me Cool!
Thankful Thursday - this is where we post on our blogs and social media about all the things we are Thankful for.
*Sometimes I am just Thankful to be alive.....other Thursday's I am thankful for Wine*
#TBT or Throw Back Thursday- Here is a fun concept, let's post pics of ourselves "back in the day", back when we had big hair and Jordache jeans. (okay maybe I am dating myself here get the point).
*I like to post baby pics of myself because that is when I had toned skin, and rolls of arm fat and leg fat were really attractive at that age, if I showed those kinds of pics at this age I think the internet patrol would pull me over and give me some sort of ticket*
Here are a couple that I know of....if anyone else knows any please chime in would love to be hip and learn the lingo of the youngsters so I can keep up with what my kids and all their friends are posting about on Instagram! Thanks in advance for you help to make me Cool!
Thankful Thursday - this is where we post on our blogs and social media about all the things we are Thankful for.
*Sometimes I am just Thankful to be alive.....other Thursday's I am thankful for Wine*
#TBT or Throw Back Thursday- Here is a fun concept, let's post pics of ourselves "back in the day", back when we had big hair and Jordache jeans. (okay maybe I am dating myself here get the point).
*I like to post baby pics of myself because that is when I had toned skin, and rolls of arm fat and leg fat were really attractive at that age, if I showed those kinds of pics at this age I think the internet patrol would pull me over and give me some sort of ticket*
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Happy Birthday Hubby!!
Today I want to wish this incredible man the very happiest of birthday's!! He is 67 years young today. Everyone who knows him, loves him!! I have yet to meet anyone that has met him that didn't like him right away. He is so very thoughtful and kind to every person he meets. He treats everyone with the utmost respect and dignity. I could not have asked for a better partner in life or a better father for our children. He amazes me daily with his grace and humor. I have never loved anyone as much as I love this guy!! His laugh is infectious and he has an amazing sense of humor and often enlightens us with absurd things that not only make you think about things in a way you wouldn't have before. He is so supportive and encouraging of everyone. He believes in me and praises me probably more than he should. (I don't think I am nearly as great as he portrays me to be), But I love him even more for thinking I am that person. He makes me want to be the best version of myself and has taught me how to take chances. For instance with my writing and blogging, he is the reason I felt brave enough to even take the leap and give it a try.
I love everything about this man, he is father to our kids, friend to all who meet him, my husband, my lover, my comic relief and my BEST FRIEND!!
Happy Birthday honey......I hope your day is special because we love you so very much!!!
I love everything about this man, he is father to our kids, friend to all who meet him, my husband, my lover, my comic relief and my BEST FRIEND!!
Happy Birthday honey......I hope your day is special because we love you so very much!!!
Bacon Butter
I don't know about anyone else but our family loves bacon!! Really what is not to love....salty, crispy, bacony......*drool*
Since today is my husbands birthday I made him bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning. We keep a jar in the refrigerator with bacon grease in it, and I sometimes use this to cook with. Mini me has decided to dub this jar of bacony goodness, "Bacon Butter"!!
I was so impressed with her creativity with words when it comes to this delectable jar of yummy goodness!!
So next time you think about tossing that bacon grease, think about how great eggs taste fried in it, or use it to saute veggies in. Cabbage is delicious sauteed with some "bacon butter"!!
Since today is my husbands birthday I made him bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning. We keep a jar in the refrigerator with bacon grease in it, and I sometimes use this to cook with. Mini me has decided to dub this jar of bacony goodness, "Bacon Butter"!!
I was so impressed with her creativity with words when it comes to this delectable jar of yummy goodness!!
So next time you think about tossing that bacon grease, think about how great eggs taste fried in it, or use it to saute veggies in. Cabbage is delicious sauteed with some "bacon butter"!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Morning Funny from the kitchen table
This morning my husband made a "Lord of the Rings" reference and I was taken aback as I he is so not into that stuff...but I had to share the interchange between he and Mini Me.
Let me set the scene.....
10:30am - the kitchen table (mini me and hubby eating brownies and ice cream)
Mini me- I already ate breakfast earlier but this is really good.
Hubby- That's okay sometimes you just have to eat ice cream and brownies.
ME- Have you both turned into hobbits? Is this "Elevensies" that you are eating now.
Hubby- Just call me Frodo!!
To that I just cracked up because I had no idea he even knew the names of any hobbits in Lord of the Rings.
Let me set the scene.....
10:30am - the kitchen table (mini me and hubby eating brownies and ice cream)
Mini me- I already ate breakfast earlier but this is really good.
Hubby- That's okay sometimes you just have to eat ice cream and brownies.
ME- Have you both turned into hobbits? Is this "Elevensies" that you are eating now.
Hubby- Just call me Frodo!!
To that I just cracked up because I had no idea he even knew the names of any hobbits in Lord of the Rings.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Becoming a Grandma
I became a "Nana" 15 days ago and have had a lot of people ask me, "How does it feel to be a grandma?" I can honestly say I don't really feel different in any way really...I just know that this little baby is so sweet and adorable and I love holding her and hearing her little squeaks as she sleeps.
The one thing I do notice is that I have so much more patience with her!! She cries and I just talk to her and sing to her and she calms down so easily. (I know this may not last forever that she calms easily but for now I am liking it).
I theorize that when she learns to talk and calls me Nana for the first time, that might be the moment I feel different!!
I love that my daughter is such a good mom, and that our son and mini me daughter just love her to pieces and they are so good with her. Gentle and sweet and they love holding her and loving on her just as much as I do.
The one thing I do notice is that I have so much more patience with her!! She cries and I just talk to her and sing to her and she calms down so easily. (I know this may not last forever that she calms easily but for now I am liking it).
I theorize that when she learns to talk and calls me Nana for the first time, that might be the moment I feel different!!
I love that my daughter is such a good mom, and that our son and mini me daughter just love her to pieces and they are so good with her. Gentle and sweet and they love holding her and loving on her just as much as I do.
How can you not love that face!! <3
Monday on Summer vacation seems like every other day when you are a stay at home mom. With the exception that it is garbage day. So you have to make sure you are up by 7-ish to wake your teenage son to do his chore of taking out the recycle bins and garbage bag that was tied up and left at the ready behind your car in the garage. Then you think to yourself, "If I don't wake him and just run it out to the curb myself then maybe, just maybe I can squeak out some quiet time in the sun room sipping my coffee till everyone gets up."
I pretty much do the same thing every week.
This week my hubby had to work and had to be up early. His alarm woke me, but not before I faintly heard our son getting up and trying to be quiet at 6am. This kid hates to sleep!! I swear I do not know where he gets this from, maybe it has to do with his ADHD, but he hardly ever sleeps in. When I was 14....I slept till noon!! My oldest daughter didn't like sleeping much either, but it was more because she thought she was missing out on something. I had to actually buy a freaking book called, "Nothing Happens" Just so it would allay her fears that she was indeed missing out on something. My youngest daughter LOVES to sleep...that is why I call her MINI ME!! It scares me sometimes how much she is like me. I love it and hate it all at the same time. Crazy right?
She is such a little mommy, well she isn't so little she will be 11 next month, but alas she loves to micromanage everybody's world and schedules. I truly believe she is pre-menstrual!! She has yet to get her period but boy oh boy....does she ever act like she already gets it. The mood swings can be dizzying!! Even I can't keep up with her and I have been swinging moody for like 36 years!! (I was 11 when I got mine for the first time).
So to get back to my original point....I dislike Mondays!!!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Shhh.....let him sleep
It is Sunday morning...the day after our son's big 14th birthday party!
My husband is still sleeping....our son is already up, and our youngest daughter slept at a friends house and won't be home until 11am since she went to church with her friends family. Today will be a day of rest here in our house. A day of doing absolutely nothing!! Especially for me, since my back started it's crazy spasm party late last night! Just so rude and utterly annoying!!
A good time was had by all, (at least it seemed that everyone had fun, I had fun so that is all that matters right?) I got to spend lots of time cuddling with our 2 week old granddaughter!! We haven't seen much of our son since he opened his gifts and discovered that we got him an Xbox360!! I kind of figured that would happen. It's okay though, he has to come up to eat sometime right? Not to mention to use the bathroom!!
I am grateful that the thunderstorms held off until later in the evening, although our oldest had to drive home an hour in the rain. But, it was nice to sit and visit with her and her boyfriend and our granddaughter till almost 11pm. I am sure they will all be exhausted today.
Hope your day of rest is restorative and calming no matter where you are or what you are doing!!
My husband is still sleeping....our son is already up, and our youngest daughter slept at a friends house and won't be home until 11am since she went to church with her friends family. Today will be a day of rest here in our house. A day of doing absolutely nothing!! Especially for me, since my back started it's crazy spasm party late last night! Just so rude and utterly annoying!!
A good time was had by all, (at least it seemed that everyone had fun, I had fun so that is all that matters right?) I got to spend lots of time cuddling with our 2 week old granddaughter!! We haven't seen much of our son since he opened his gifts and discovered that we got him an Xbox360!! I kind of figured that would happen. It's okay though, he has to come up to eat sometime right? Not to mention to use the bathroom!!
I am grateful that the thunderstorms held off until later in the evening, although our oldest had to drive home an hour in the rain. But, it was nice to sit and visit with her and her boyfriend and our granddaughter till almost 11pm. I am sure they will all be exhausted today.
Hope your day of rest is restorative and calming no matter where you are or what you are doing!!
Friday, June 27, 2014
Imperfect Mom has a Facebook page
Want to enjoy my antics all day every day....check me out on Facebook at the link posted below.
Imperfect Mom Chronicles FB Page
Imperfect Mom Chronicles FB Page
Stupid People
I have to rant today! (but hey when don’t I have to rant? LOL)….lately I have seen some really stupid
people while I have been out and about this week particularly. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I make
every effort to not have to leave the comfort of my lovely home and make
minimal trips to town and get things done all at once. Now with that being said, in the past couple
of weeks since my oldest daughter had her baby (my granddaughter), I have been
out driving here and there and all over the place much more frequently. Which, I do not mind but…..this past week it
seems like we have had an appointment or shopping excursion every single day. This I am so not used to. There have been dumbasses who don’t use a
friggin blinker when changing lanes, elderly women driving 7 miles an hour in a
45 with their right blinker on, only to turn LEFT!!! I do realize that maybe someday I will be
that elderly lady and when I am someone can write a rant about me too….I am
fine with that. Now this brings me to the pinnacle of my week,
and to some it might sound silly, but to me it was the “proverbial straw that
broke the camel’s back”.
Kids and I are driving to
get Ryan’s new glasses that were ready for pickup.
I turn left onto the street where the eye
doctor’s office is and in front of me is a guy on a recumbent bicycle. *you know one of those ones you sit down and
But he isn’t off to the side like bicyclists
are supposed to be. (despite plenty of room for him to be over to the right).
Now, mind you these bikes are set pretty low
to the ground, but this guy has no flag sticking up, no reflectors, bright
colors, no nothing to warn anyone who can’t see over the end of their car hood
or pickup truck that he is in the road.
( I drive a smaller car so I could see him, but think about the
previously mentioned “elderly lady”, or a teenager texting and driving or the
tired farmer in his big pickup heading to the farm implement store, none of
them wouldn’t have seen him).
Next, we come to the stop
sign just before the eye doctor which is on the next corner.
I stop behind him, of course keeping a good
distance since I have no idea which way he is going to go. Thinking to myself, naturally he can’t be
that rude or stupid and surely will signal if he is going to turn or not. NO HAND SIGNAL, NOTHING!! He turns right!! (which is fine because at least he wasn’t
turning left or the pickup in the opposite lane would have smashed him to
bits). Ryan yells out *with windows
rolled up* “What the heck dude, even I know how to use basic hand signals, you
are going to get yourself killed”.
To which I reply: “I know right!!”
The moral of this story is
Pay Attention people!!! Get your head
out of the clouds or out from your ass or wherever it is, and focus on your
surroundings!! And please, please use
the proper safety equipment!! Too many
people are getting hurt or killed in accidents that most do not ever have to
I am not so sure I am glad it is FRIDAY (this week at least). I say this because our son's 14th birthday party is tomorrow and I have a million things to get done today. Hubby has to work today and won't be home till 8pm.
This morning I get up and he is outside checking on the garden, then he goes onto the deck to pick some catnip to make our cats all hyper. When he comes back in he informs me that, "something has gotten under the deck and died and it smells bad out there". GREAT!!! Because I don't have enough to do today baking cupcakes, running to town to pick up Ryan's glasses, prepping the rest of the stuff for his party tomorrow that now I have to try and vanquish the smell of "something dead under the deck". *GAG*
We have gotten so much rain here lately too that the yard is all soft and muddy. This is supposed to be Iowa in June for goodness sakes, not Monsoon season in the tropical rainforest!!
Oh well, I guess it is just another day in the life right?!!
Here's hoping we don't get anymore rain so his party will be a success. After all it is the first one where he is inviting GIRLS!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Okay so my kids aren't little anymore but they do still like the Disney movies....I finally watched Frozen today with them, since it is rainy and they sing the songs just as much as the little ones do. It is what prompted this post today......
“Let it Go”!!
Yes, I said it…..”let it go”! Not always an easy thing for any parent to
do. Myself, being a control freak from
birth, I have a hard time “letting go”.
Although I do realize it is definitely part of growing up and being a
good role model for my kids. It can
suck at times too. For instance when
our oldest moved out right after high school graduation it wasn’t easy. I recalled all the struggles I went through
as I moved out on my own when I was about 19-20 years old. I had a great job that had benefits and paid
good money and I didn’t have to work myself silly to earn it. I had nothing, no furniture or anything. But I figured it out. But with her I tried to help, tried to help
her get the things she needed so she didn’t have to go without. Was that a smart move on my part? Probably not. We went through a trying time for several
months where she blocked me from Facebook, and didn’t answer my calls or
texts. It really sucked big time. But, we both learned. I learned a lot about letting go and letting
her make her own mistakes. So, now with
Ryan and Elizabeth I am learning to let go even more and giving them
opportunities to learn, grow and become the independent and strong people I
want them to be. So all you parents
out there, “Let it Go”!! Choose
your battles, stop micromanaging your kids lives and they will be so
much better for it. Are they going to
get hurt? Possibly. Is it
hard to see them struggle? Hell
yea!! Will you want to help them out of every fix
they get into? Definitely. Will it all be worth it one day that you
taught them to be strong, smart, hard working and independent? MOST DEFINITELY!! I
wish I had done it sooner, I just hope I learned it in time for all of my
kids. I also hope my kids do not follow
my lead and that they do it from the start and not wait till their kids need
therapy because I don’t know how to “Let
it Go”!!
Welcome to my imperfect, yet perfect for me world!!
This blog is my place to write whatever I
want, express myself in whatever way I see fit at the moment. I am sometimes very sarcastic, (okay so most
of the time so what!) My family comes
first and foremost in my life. I am by
no means perfect or even think I am close in any way. I struggle just like every other person out
there. But, I believe that we all have
a choice to be happy or be miserable.
Sometimes, I am not so happy and just downright cranky, but I do try to
always see a positive in every situation.
Now don’t go thinking I am some Miss Mary Sunshine because frankly I can
be a bitch. I try to be nice to everyone I meet and there
are just some people who rub me the wrong way and I just try to avoid
them. Anyway, a little bit about me. I am a wife to an amazing man who rocks my
world in every way. I have 3 kids (he
didn’t have any children so he is stuck with mine…LOL, but he loves them as if
they are his kids.) Our oldest daughter
Shelby is almost 21 and has been out of the house since she was 19 (she just
had a baby on Fathers Day this year so that makes me a Nana too.) Our son Ryan is going to be 14 this weekend
and our youngest daughter Elizabeth will be 11 next month, (please don’t call
her Lizzy or Liz because she gets all pissy about it and nothing is worse than
that high pitched, whiney 11 year old, about to have her period, thinks she
knows it all voice that she uses when one does accidentally call her Liz or
Lizzy). We also have two cats Ziggy and
Wesley. We live in Iowa in a rural town with Amish
horse and buggies that ride around town.
I am originally from Boston, Massachusetts and have more of an East
coast attitude when it comes to stuff. I
have no family here (except for the hubster and our kids) but have many friends
and Ex in-laws who don’t speak to me anymore, but hey that is a story for
another day.
I love to cook and am currently attempting to
write a cookbook of sorts. I love to
watch Boston Bruins hockey and New England Patriots football. I have tattoos and want more. I am addicted to Facebook (and probably need
an intervention, hence the decision to blog about my day to day life and share
pictures and quirky things that I find funny).
I have lots of other interests that I am sure as you read on you will
discover along the way.
I look forward to sharing my crazy life with
you all. J
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